dimarts, 3 de novembre del 2009

el motiu del post anterior

Sobreviure una temporada a una pressó de Guinea Equatorial sembla que és una prova tant o més dura que la Marathon des Sables, el fet de que aquest ex-alumne de Eton hagi aconseguit estovar el cor del Obiang jà sembla prou curiós. Recordeu que a més a més en el judici que el condemnava a 34 anys a una de les pressons "top ten" del mon, va implicar un recolzament exterior entre els que figuraven el fill de la Maggie Thatcher, i el "mariscal" de les Azores i el Perejil.
Caldrà seguir la informació per coneixer quin és l'estat en el que hà quedat aquest mercenari, i si contribueix a aclarir una mica la confussió sobre els objectius africans del inefable Jose Mari.

Simon Mann may face Scotland Yard questioning

Police say they have been liaising with prosecutors about possible charges over Equatorial Guinea coup plot

Simon Mann

Simon Mann. Photograph: AFP/Getty

Scotland Yard is considering whether to interview Simon Mann when he arrives back in Britain as part of its investigation into the attempted coup for which he was jailed in Equatorial Guinea.

The Old Etonian mercenary was freed from prison today after serving part of a 34-year sentence for his involvement in the 2004 plot. Equatorial Guinea's president, Teodoro Obiang, said detectives from the Met's counterterrorism command, SO15, had interviewed Mann while he served his sentence.

Scotland Yard said it had been liaising with the Crown Prosecution Service over whether it had gathered enough evidence to bring charges. There are allegations that part of the plotting occurred in London, meaning Mann could face prosecution under terrorism legislation.

The Met said it had "monitored" Mann's trial in Equatorial Guinea, where he claimed that others including Sir Mark Thatcher had been involved. Detectives visited Equatorial Guinea three times between July and October last year. They first went on 28 July, returning five days later, and again for 12 days, returning to the UK on September 17. Their final visit was from 14 to 28 October.

Obiang, in an interview shortly after the detectives left last year, said Mann had co-operated with British police and had named names. He told the Mail on Sunday: ""Simon Mann has collaborated brilliantly with them and given them information, names and other things, which they didn't know about the case.

"We have a law that if someone behaves well or collaborates with the government then we can, in certain circumstances, pardon them or give them a reduction in their sentence. Simon Mann has collaborated with our government and the British police and if he continues to behave so well then yes, we will reduce his sentence."