dilluns, 5 de gener del 2009


Recordeu Enric Marco? El president de l'Amical Mathausen, que durant gairabé 30 anys va erigir-se en el supervivent dels camps d'extermini més mediàtic a tot el país, i que al 2005 es và demostrar que tot plegat s'ho havia anat inventant. Donç ara un electricista americà de descendencia polaca, i que estava a punt de publicar un llibre "autobiogràfic", ha hagut de fer-se fondre després d'haver-se descobert que tot era inventat.

enllaç al dossier marco:


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Herman A. Rosenblat (born - probably in September - 1929) is a Polish-American author, a Holocaust survivor, who wrote the supposed memoir Angel at the Fence[1] which was planned to be published in 2009. The publication was cancelled after it turned out to be a fabrication.

[edit] Life and career

Rosenblat has stated he was imprisoned at Schlieben, part of the Buchenwald concentration camp. During that time, he has claimed his future wife Roma passed him food through a fence.

After being liberated from the concentration camps, Rosenblat says he lived in London for four years, where he learned the electrical trade at the Organization for Rehabilitation through Training school. He says he then moved to the United States in 1950 and was drafted to the United States Army in 1951. After serving two years, he says he moved to New York and opened his own electrical contracting shop in Brooklyn. He says he and his wife reunited in the United States on a blind date. They now reside in Miami, Florida.[2]

Before the deception was uncovered Rosenblat has appeared twice on the Oprah Winfrey Show, where the story was described as "the single greatest love story, in 22 years of doing this show, we've ever told on the air." A childrens' version of the book, entitled Angel Girl, was released in September 2008. A $25 million film version of the book, titled Flower of the Fence, is set for production.[3]

The deception was uncovered by Kenneth Waltzer, the director of Jewish studies at Michigan State University. Waltzer had been working on a book on Buchenwald, and he interviewed hundreds of survivors. He asked other survivors who knew Rosenblat about the story of the tossed apple. They said the story "couldn’t possibly be true" based on the configuration of the camp and the location of the fences.[4]

In December 2008 Rosenblat recanted the story.[5][6]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Rosenblat, Herman (2009). Angel at the Fence. Berkley Hardcover, ISBN 9780425225813
  2. ^ Cohen, Jennifer (December 14, 2008). Couple's story of love started in time of war. Miami Herald
  3. ^ Sherman, Gabriel (December 26, 2008). "Wartime Lies", The New Republic. Retrieved on December 28, 2008. "Several years ago, when Finkel learned that producer Harris Salomon was making a movie based on Rosenblat's life, he wanted to set the record straight."
  4. ^ Rich, Motoko; Joseph Berger (December 28, 2008). "False Memoir of Holocaust Is Canceled.", New York Times. Retrieved on 29 December 2008. "When Dr. Waltzer asked other survivors who were with Mr. Rosenblat about the tossed apple story, they said the story couldn’t possibly be true."
  5. ^ Italie, Hillel (December 28, 2008). Anger, sadness over fabricated Holocaust story. Associated Press
  6. ^ Barrios, Jennifer (December 28, 2008). Holocaust survivor Herman Rosenblat recants story. Newsday