dissabte, 28 de febrer del 2009

de la prensa de Madrid (el Mundo)

Portada > Deportes > Fútbol
Henry: 'Cataluña no es España'

BARCELONA.- Thierry Henry ha decidido participar en el debate político español, a pesar de que generalmente la intervención de los futbolistas en estos temas no suele ser demasiado favorable para sus intereses.

Respecto al debate territorial, Henry, que sólo lleva dos temporadas en Barcelona, parece que tiene claro los conceptos. "Lo que pienso es esto", declaró en una entrevista con el diario 'La Vanguardia'. "Catalunya no es España, es otra cosa y eso hay que sentirlo. El Barça es otra historia. Cuando llegas aquí del Arsenal te sorprende ver a tanta gente, es un shock. Hay que vivirlo para entenderlo".

El francés sigue la línea ahora de su ex compañero Oleguer, ahora en el Ajax, que siempre defendió sus ideas antiglobalización y manifestó públicamente sus inclinaciones independentistas y su ferviente apoyo a las selecciones deportivas catalanas.

Henry se siente feliz en Barcelona, más aún ahora que se ha ganado el cariño de la gente con goles importantes, nada que ver con el jugador que decepcionó en cursos anteriores. Su intención es colgar las botas en el Camp Nou. "Me encanta la ciudad. Estamos en febrero, y qué sol. Por duro que fuese el año pasado, la gente, en la calle, siempre te animaba. Aquí se vive bien, se come bien. Estamos en uno de los tres o cuatro mejores clubes del mundo. Es normal que quiera acabar aquí. Llevar esta camiseta es un honor. Pero antes de entender la camiseta hay que entender el club".

divendres, 27 de febrer del 2009

optimitzar recursos

Ryanair baraja cobrar a sus pasajeros por ir al baño
O'Leary anuncia nuevas medidas para recortar gastos en la aerolínea

ELPAÍS.com - Madrid - 27/02/2009

La aerolínea de bajo coste Ryanair, que ya cobra por equipaje o por entrar de los primeros en el avión, está barajando una nueva fórmula para reducir gastos incorporando lavabos de pago en sus aviones, según ha revelado su consejero delegado, Michael O'Leary a la BBC.

Sea o no un nuevo reclamo del excéntrico O'Leary para captar la atención de los medios, que en una de sus últimas visitas a España apareció ante la prensa tocado con una tradicional barretina, el anuncio ha suscitado la crítica por parte de las asociaciones de consumidores, según la cadena británica, que acusan a la aerolínea de poner "los beneficios antes que los pasajeros".

El globo sonda lanzado por esta low cost, que no ha podido esquivar la crisis del sector con un descenso de beneficios del 27% hasta los 35 millones entre octubre y diciembre de 2008 -sus últimos resultados publicados-, para reducir costes se suma al anuncio ya confirmado la semana pasada de que suprimirá todos sus mostradores de facturación en los distintos aeropuertos en los que opera. Desde la aerolínea justifican que, hoy por hoy, el 75% de sus pasajeros se saca la tarjeta de embarque a través de la web.

Ryanair ha conseguido situarse al frente del sector de los vuelos baratos apostando por precios mínimos para volar y cobrando por el resto de suplementos como facturar en el aeropuerto o llevar equipaje.

Si tenim el servei, cobrem-lo. Si tenim espai, aprofitem-lo. Si tenim "auxiliars de vol" reconvertim-los en cambrers...
Avui he agafat un pont aeri i Iberia hà aconseguit inquibir-me en un espai encara més reduit que el que va aconseguir Clickair fà uns messos....

dimecres, 25 de febrer del 2009

Costumari tradicional, dieta mediterrània

Fabra: "Yo no sé la cantidad de gente que habré colocado en 12 años"
El presidente de la Diputación de Castellón alardea de nepotismo

MARÍA FABRA - Castellón - 25/02/2009

"Yo no sé la cantidad de gente que habré colocado en 12 años...". Lo que era un secreto a gritos finalmente se puede oír en voz del propio presidente de la Diputación de Castellón, Carlos Fabra (PP), en una grabación en la que admite utilizar la Administración para "colocar" a gente de la que, después, espera su "voto agradecido". "Porque el que gana las elecciones coloca a un sinfín de gente (...), y con las oposiciones puedes meter a uno o dos ayudantes", añade.

La SER ha tenido acceso a una grabación realizada al presidente de la diputación de Castellón por miembros de su propio partido. "Porque el que gana las elecciones coloca a un sinfín de gente. Y toda esa gente es un voto cautivo. Ese es un voto cautivo. Supone mucho poder en un ayuntamiento, en una diputación. Yo no sé la cantidad de gente que habré colocado en doce años, no lo sé. Pero entre Penveta, Hospital, Instituto de Promoción Cerámica, Escuela Taurina, la diputación, el puerto... ni sé. Tonterías... Madre que quiere entrar en el colegio de la Consolación de Burriana... que está muy difícil... y esa señora es un voto agradecido. Por lo tanto, no hace falta que me extienda mucho más" -

Para Fabra, ganar las elecciones "supone mucho poder en un ayuntamiento, en una diputación". La grabación, desvelada ayer por la Cadena SER, corresponde a una conversación, antes de las pasadas elecciones municipales, con un miembro de su partido, el PP. Esos comentarios suponen, a juicio de la oposición, una "autoinculpación" de Fabra, a quien un juzgado de Nules investiga por supuesto fraude fiscal y tráfico de influencias. El portavoz socialista en la diputación, Francesc Colomer, exigió una "explicación inmediata".

"Ni sé", dice Fabra en referencia al número de personas que ha colocado. Y cita entre las entidades donde ha practicado el enchufismo la Diputación, donde mantiene contratados a más de una treintena de asesores. También asegura haber colocado a conocidos en el Hospital Provincial, el Instituto de Promoción Cerámica, dependiente de la Diputación; la Escuela Taurina, un proyecto puesto en marcha por Fabra; el complejo socioeducativo de Penyeta Roja, también dependiente de la Diputación, y el Puerto de Castellón, integrado en Puertos del Estado pero cuyo personal está transferido a la comunidad autónoma, con lo que la designación de su plantilla y del consejo de administración, al que pertenece Fabra, depende de la Generalitat Valenciana.
"Voto cautivo"

En todos ellos y en algunos otros, según palabras del propio Carlos Fabra, se puede "colocar a un sinfín de gente, asesores, secretarios, directores generales, subdirectores, subsecretarios, asesores de los consejeros, directores territoriales, secretarias de no sé qué... (...). Y toda esa gente es un voto cautivo. Ese es un voto cautivo, que lo tengáis muy claro", añade.

Fabra pone un ejemplo, una "tontería", según él. "Madre que quiere entrar en el colegio de la Consolación de Burriana. Está muy difícil. No hace falta, Fabra llama a Baila y Baila mete en ese colegio y esa señora es un voto agradecido". Se refiere a Francisco Baila, entonces director territorial de Educación en Castellón y actualmente director general de Centros Docentes de la Generalitat Valenciana, que está siendo investigado por un posible delito de prevaricación después de que CC OO lo acusara de intervenir irregularmente en el proceso de matriculación del colegio de la Consolación, pero no de Burriana, sino de Castellón.

i jà que estavem pels Pirineus, una de canvi climàtic

Published on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 by the Guardian/UK
Climate Change Lays Waste to Spain's Glaciers
Spain loses 90% of its glaciers thanks to global warming, threatening drought as rivers dry up

by Giles Tremlett

The Pyrenees mountains have lost almost 90% of their glacier ice over the past century, according to scientists who warn that global warning means they will disappear completely within a few decades.

[Spain has lost 90% of its glacial ice in the last century. (Guardian photo)]Spain has lost 90% of its glacial ice in the last century. (Guardian photo)
While glaciers covered 3,300 hectares of land on the mountain range that divides Spain and France at the turn of the last century, only 390 hectares remain, according to Spain's environment ministry.

The most southerly glaciers in Europe are losing the battle against warming and look set to be among the first to disappear from the continent over the coming decades. Their loss will have a severe impact on summer water supplies in the foothills and southern plains south of the Pyrenees.

"This century could see (perhaps within a few decades) the total, or almost total, disappearance of the last reserves of ice in the Spanish Pyrenees and, as a result, a major change in the current nature of upper reaches of the mountains," the authors of the report on Spain's glaciers said.

Scientists have ruled out the idea that the progressive deterioration of glaciers around the globe are part of normal, long-term fluctuations in their size. Europe's glaciers are thought to have lost a quarter of their mass in the last 8 years.

Prof Wilfried Haeberli, director of the World Glacier Monitoring Service, said that the rate of glacier loss is particularly quick. "Small glaciers disappear faster so the relative loss is much larger."

"They are the best indicators of climate change," he said . "I would even say these figures (for Spain) are optimistic. If the loss of ice goes on at the speed of the past 10 years they may disappear within ten to 20 years."

Scientists warn of potentially dramatic effects to agriculture as glaciers that feed rivers disappear, taking away a major source of summer water.

The glaciers under threat in Spain feed rivers such as the Gállego, the Cinca and the Garona which water the foothills and plains south of the Pyrenees.

"During the dry season, especially in Spain, they are nourished by glacier and snow melt," said Prof Haeberli.

He said that smaller glaciers, such as those in Spain and some in tropical countries such as Colombia and Kenya, would soon disappear as the planet heats up.

Even the Alps, though, stand to lose up to 75% of its glacial area by mid-century.

Glaciers provide a unique record of global climate change as scientists have been tracking their development since the International Glacier Commission was founded in Switzerland in 1894. Spanish glaciers were among those measured at the end of the 19th century.

The World Glacier Monitoring Service last year reported that glaciers around the planet were melting at a rate unseen for 5,000 years.

"It has become obvious that the ongoing trend of worldwide and fast, if not accelerating, glacier shrinkage ... is of a non-cyclic nature," the service's report for the decade up to 2005 said.

The rate of melting more than doubled over that period when compared to the previous decade.

Changes were "without precedent in history" and would produce "dramatic scenarios", including the complete loss of glaciers in some mountains systems, according to the report.

"Glacier shrinkage ... is not a periodic change and may lead to the deglaciation of large parts of many mountain regions by the end of the 21st century," the monitoring service report warned.

Early figures for 2006 and 2007 indicate that the speed of glacier melt around the world continues to increase.
© Guardian News and Media Limited 2009

tens un fax (et comunico que ho deixem...)

Curiós el càs del Racionero, capaç d'alternar contracultura amb medievalisme, budisme amb pp (isme). De senys fantàstics a vendre al bisbe de La Seu (o a l'alcalde) un claustre "històric recreatiu". Sembla que aquesta reflexió sobre el des-amor és interessant. Curiosament, igual que diu San Agustín, sempre que algú m'el hà recomanat ha estat una dona...

Article d'Arturo San Agustín: 'A Racionero l'han deixat plantat fins i tot per fax'
ARTURO San Agustín

L'escriptor Luis Racionero sempre ha tingut l'aparença d'un euroasiàtic, exquisit i culte. Jo crec que va néixer a la Seu d'Urgell només per dissimular, que és un art molt oriental. Racionero acaba de publicar les seves memòries, Sobrevivir a un gran amor, seis veces i des de la setmana passada no paren de dir misogin i fins i tot ressentit a aquest home, un dels pocs exemplars de la burgesia barcelonina --aquest gènere de ficció-- que sempre ha demostrat tenir idees pròpies.
El que és políticament correcte, aquesta pandèmia, obliga els homes, que anem desorientats i estem terroritzats, a no dir el que realment pensem quan se'ns pregunta per les dones. Potser per això van ser les dones, algunes dones intel.ligents, les que em van recomanar el llibre de Luis Racionero.
Aquest home, potser sense pretendre-ho, com sempre passa, ha escrit un llibre necessari. Un llibre que per primera vegada ens explica la verdadera transició, que aquí, en aquest país, no és el que tots continuem explicant, és a dir, Adolfo Suárez repetint el famós "puedo prometer y prometo" o Felipe González dient "por consiguiente". La transició real, que encara dura --la cosa va per llarg-- és la que Racionero explica al seu llibre. És l'alliberament de la dona i la descol.locació de l'home. D'aquesta transició parla Racionero al seu llibre, on apareixen les seves dones, que, sempre intel.lectuals, han estat capaces fins i tot de donar-li un cop al cap amb un tom de l'enciclopèdia Larousse. Dones que quan el planten --parlo concretament d'una de molt executiva-- l'hi comuniquen per fax. Quin cervell el de l'executiva. Per fax. No es pot humiliar més una ànima exquisida i sensible, que cita Leonardo, que es declara budista i que sempre consulta el seu futur mitjançant l'I Ching. Per fax. Quina crueltat.
Si volen saber què és el que Racionero, referint-se a la dona, anomena l'art suprem, hauran de comprar el llibre, que està escrit amb tota la ironia necessària. Una ironia en què, tot i el que va dir Leonardo, "Cuando sarai solo, sarai tutto tuo", també s'hi endevina la tristesa.

dimarts, 24 de febrer del 2009

Crissi, Cristina Barcelona, del Financial Times (clicar titol)


Spain faces its worst depression since 1930s, says Victor Mallet

dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2009

saviano i messi "soccer memories"

Pequeño gran hombre
En un texto que Ñ publica aquí en exclusividad, el escritor italiano Roberto Saviano, que se hizo famoso con su libro sobre la mafia napolitana (Gomorra), dibuja un retrato conmovedor de uno de los grandes ídolos del fútbol actual, el argentino Lionel Messi. El artículo es un recuento de la vida del jugador, los padecimientos para superar sus limitaciones físicas, pero también una metáfora de la lucha del héroe contra la adversidad. Saviano evoca a Maradona, habla del espíritu napolitano y de una zona sagrada en la que Messi ("La Pulga") es protagonista incomparable. Su crónica ya forma parte de la saga de los narradores que escribieron sobre el deporte y sus mitos.

Por: Roberto Saviano

Clicar el titol per l'article complet

diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2009

No es caspa, son polls!!! de The Onion

Head Lice Going Around Senate

February 17, 2009 | Issue 45•08

Lice going around

The Senate nurse sends Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) home for the day.

WASHINGTON—Eighteen senators were sent home from Congress Tuesday after a routine screening found an infestation of nits, larvae, and adult parasites living on the scalps of high-ranking Washington lawmakers.

The outbreak of head lice, which many are calling the worst in U.S. Senate history, has brought the Capitol to a standstill, with presiding officer Vice President Joe Biden suspending all daily sessions until further notice.

"I regret to inform the American people that the Senate chamber has been struck by a devastating case of lice," majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said. "Although we've already dismissed a number of afflicted senators, and thrown out most of their personal belongings, it is imperative that this issue be resolved as quickly as possible."

Enlarge Image Lice

Pediculus humanus capitis.

"This outbreak needs to be addressed," continued Reid, speaking from behind a podium wrapped in airtight plastic sheets. "We can't risk having lice spread to the House."

According to sources on Capitol Hill, signs of a potential infestation first surfaced early Monday morning when Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) witnessed Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) excessively scratching at the back of his head. Cochran, who sits directly behind Rockefeller, said that the five-term senator's aggressive attempts to relieve an itch dislodged several tiny, writhing bugs, which fell onto a binder containing bill S. 2294.

"It was so disgusting," said Cochran, adding that he thought Sen. Rockefeller only had dandruff. "I'll never cosponsor a bill with him again. I bet he doesn't even shower."

While Senate leaders would not release the name of the blood-feeding parasite's original host, many legislators speculated Tuesday that the epidemic started with that one gross Arkansas representative who always wears sweatpants.

Using a tongue depressor and a flashlight, Senate nurse Debra Barger personally examined each of the elected officials' scalps, and issued a stern warning to all present to avoid sharing hairbrushes, hats, and towels with other members of the governing body.

"I told the senators that they didn't need to feel humiliated," said Barger, who made Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) wear mittens to thwart his attempts to scratch his scalp. "And contrary to what Sen. Specter says, lice are not the most deadly form of cooties."

But despite Barger's best efforts to reassure the afflicted senators, many still felt stigmatized.

"Everyone is going to make fun of me now," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who attempted to get rid of the lice by shaving her head. "This is so much worse than the time I puked on the Capitol steps."

Despite several days of lengthy debates, the remaining senators were not able to agree on a measure to remove the louse colonies. While one faction argued that the application of petroleum jelly or mayonnaise would suffocate the lice, Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) made a privileged motion that all affected heads be immediately soaked in kerosene.

By late Tuesday afternoon, a majority of senators had been sent back to their home states along with letters urging that family members and constituents have their hair checked for lice. With the legislative chamber nearly deserted, officials from the Department of Health and Human Services arrived on Wednesday to vacuum the Senate floor, spray down chairs and desks, and machine-wash all flags in hot water.

Since news of the infestation first broke, Congress has been inundated with angry calls from Senate parents, many of whom are blaming party leaders for the outbreak.

"We paid a lot of good money to get our children into the Senate," said Roberta McCain, 96. "Unless things change, I'll be transferring John to a better branch of government next year."

According to Beltway insiders, this is the worst contagion to hit the federal government since 2004, when a single infected gavel gave the entire Supreme Court crabs.

Zapatero, transexuals, i la camorra napolitana (de Il Manifesto)

Blog criminale a cura di Iaia Vantaggiato
Arrestato Ugo “Ketty”, transessuale a capo della camorra
  • di Bruno De Stefano

    La camorra è più a sinistra di Zapatero. Sissignori: avete letto bene. Una delle organizzazione criminali più forti del pianeta si è rivelata più progressista del premier spagnolo. L’abbiamo scoperto solo ieri, quando è saltato fuori che a Napoli il clan dei cosiddetti “scissionisti” (uscito vincente dalla guerra con i Di Lauro) aveva affidato ad un transessuale, Ugo Gabriele detto “Ketty”, la gestione di un fiorente traffico di droga.

    Ammettiamolo: in nessun altro settore, pubblico o privato, un capo avrebbe assegnato un ruolo di primo piano ad un personaggio dalla sessualità incerta; nessun dirigente preoccupato dell’immagine della sua azienda o del suo partito politico, si sarebbe fatto rappresentare da una tipologia di persona destinata alla derisione o, peggio ancora, all’emarginazione.

    Invece anche stavolta, la camorra ha dimostrato di essere un passo avanti rispetto alla società civile e di aver abbattuto tutti i tabù che ancora resistono tra la gente cosiddetta perbene.

    I camorristi, insomma, hanno dimostrato di non essere dei maschilisti rozzi e ipocriti, così come ce li hanno consegnati dozzine di film e centinaia di libri. E dopo aver aperto le porte alle donne (nella camorra le “quote rosa” sono una realtà consolidatissima), i clan hanno sdoganato anche i “diversi” confermando che in quanto a costumi sessuali sono più a sinistra di Zapatero. Dunque, se non fossero arrivate le manette, nel clan degli “scissionisti” , Ugo-Ketty avrebbe fatto carriera né più e né meno come i colleghi maschi. In un partito politico o in una grande azienda, Ugo-Ketty non solo non avrebbe fatto carriera ma sarebbe stato trattato come un appestato.

    La camorra sarà anche feroce e sanguinaria: ma ora sappiamo che è anche progressista.

di iaia
pubblicato il 12 febbraio 2009
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divendres, 20 de febrer del 2009

¿Nace o se hace? l'article tampoc ho aclareix

Is Genius Born or Can It Be Learned?

Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein.

Is it possible to cultivate genius? Could we somehow structure our educational and social life to produce more Einsteins and Mozarts — or, more urgently these days, another Adam Smith or John Maynard Keynes?

How to produce genius is a very old question, one that has occupied philosophers since antiquity. In the modern era, Immanuel Kant and Darwin's cousin Francis Galton wrote extensively about how genius occurs. Last year, pop-sociologist Malcolm Gladwell addressed the subject in his book Outliers: The Story of Success.

The latest, and possibly most comprehensive, entry into this genre is Dean Keith Simonton's new book Genius 101: Creators, Leaders, and Prodigies (Springer Publishing Co., 227 pages). Simonton, a psychology professor at the University of California, Davis, is one of the world's leading authorities on the intellectually eminent, whom he has studied since his Harvard grad-school days in the 1970s. (See pictures of Albert Einstein.)

For most of its history, the debate over what leads to genius has been dominated by a bitter, binary argument: is it nature or is it nurture — is genius genetically inherited, or are geniuses the products of stimulating and supportive homes? Simonton takes the reasonable position that geniuses are the result of both good genes and good surroundings. His middle-of-the-road stance sets him apart from more ideological proponents like Galton (the founder of eugenics) as well as revisionists like Gladwell who argue that dedication and practice, as opposed to raw intelligence, are the most crucial determinants of success.

Too often, writers don't nail down exactly what they mean by genius. Simonton tries, with this thorough, slightly ponderous, definition: Geniuses are those who "have the intelligence, enthusiasm, and endurance to acquire the needed expertise in a broadly valued domain of achievement" and who then make contributions to that field that are considered by peers to be both "original and highly exemplary." (Read TIME's 2007 cover story, "Are We Failing Our Geniuses?")

Fine, now how do you determine whether artistic or scientific creations are original and exemplary? One method Simonton and others use is to add up the number of times an individual's publications are cited in professional literature — or, say, the number of times a composer's work is performed and recorded. Other investigators count encyclopedia references instead. Such methods may not be terribly sophisticated, but the answer they yield is at least a hard quantity.

Still, there's an echo-chamber quality to this technique: genius is what we all say it is. Is there a more objective method? There are IQ tests, of course, but not all IQ tests are the same, which leads to picking a minimum IQ and calling it genius-level. Also, estimates of the IQs of dead geniuses tend to be fun, but they are based on biographical information that can be highly uneven. (Read TIME's 1999 cover story about the "I.Q. Gene.")

So Simonton falls back on his "intelligence, enthusiasm, and endurance" formulation. But what about accidental discoveries? Simonton mentions the case of biologist Alexander Fleming, who, in 1928, "noticed quite by chance that a culture of Staphylococcus had been contaminated by a blue-green mold. Around the mold was a halo." Bingo: penicillin. But what if you had been in Fleming's lab that day and noticed the halo first? Would you be the genius?

Recently, the endurance and hard work part of the achievement equation has gotten a lot of attention, and the role of raw talent and intelligence has faded a bit. The main reason for this shift in emphasis is the work of Anders Ericsson, a friendly rival of Simonton's who teaches psychology at Florida State University. Gladwell featured Ericsson's work prominently in Outliers. (See the top 10 non-fiction books of 2008.)

Ericsson has become famous for the 10-year rule: the notion that it takes at least 10 years (or 10,000 hours) of dedicated practice for people to master most complex endeavors. Ericsson didn't invent the 10-year rule (it was suggested as early as 1899), but he has conducted many studies confirming it. Gladwell is a believer. "Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good," he writes. "It's the thing you do that makes you good."

Simonton rather dismissively calls this the "drudge theory." He thinks the real story is more complicated: deliberate practice, he says, is a necessary but not sufficient condition for creating genius. For one thing, you need to be smart enough for practice to teach you something. In a 2002 study, Simonton showed that the average IQ of 64 eminent scientists was around 150, fully 50 points higher than the average IQ for the general population. And most of the variation in IQs (about 80%, according to Simonton) is explained by genetics. (See pictures of Bobby Fischer, chess prodigy.)

Personality traits also matter. Simonton writes that geniuses tend to be "open to experience, introverted, hostile, driven, and ambitious." These traits too are inherited — but only partly. They're also shaped by environment.

So what does this mean for people who want to encourage genius? Gladwell concludes his book by saying the 10,000-hour rule shows that kids just need a chance to show how hard they can work; we need "a society that provides opportunities for all," he says. Well, sure. But he dismisses the idea that kids need higher IQs to achieve success, and that's just wishful thinking. As I argued here, we need to do more to recognize and not alienate high-IQ kids. Too often, principals hold them back with age-mates rather than letting them skip grades.

Still, genius can be very hard to discern, and not just among the young. Simonton tells the story of a woman who was able to get fewer than a dozen of her poems published during her brief life. Her hard work availed her little — but the raw power of her imagery and metaphor lives on. Her name? Emily Dickinson.

See pictures of a diverse group of American teens.

See pictures of the college dorm's evolution.

coherència episcopal...

Excomulgada la que aborta, pero no el que legisla

Los obispos afilan su crítica al Gobierno por la reforma legal

JUAN G. BEDOYA - Madrid - 20/02/2009

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Los obispos ultimaron esta semana el documento con que responderán al Gobierno socialista cuando apruebe en Consejo de Ministros el proyecto de reforma de la ley que despenalizó hace 25 años la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. Lo han hecho en la Comisión Permanente de la Conferencia Episcopal Española (CEE) reunida en Madrid desde el martes pasado, y lo guardan como oro en paño.

La noticia en otros webs

Los prelados renuncian a agitar, como en 1985, protestas en la calle

No deparará grandes sorpresas. Los prelados siguen pensando que el "aborto provocado es un crimen abominable; viola muy gravemente la dignidad de un ser humano inocente, quitándole la vida, y hiere la dignidad de quienes lo cometen". Pese a todo, la CEE descartó ayer amenazar con la excomunión al Gobierno y a los diputados que voten ese proyecto. "La pena de excomunión automática no cae sobre el legislador, sino sobre los que realizan el acto o son colaboradores directos", dijo su portavoz, Juan Antonio Martínez Camino.

La Conferencia Episcopal refrescó ayer la memoria de los periodistas ilustrándoles con lo que proclamaron cuando el Ejecutivo de Felipe González despenalizó el aborto en 1985, en medio de un agrio debate. Entonces sí hubo amenaza de excomunión, que el Vaticano descartó finalmente, además de manifestaciones en las calles, agitadas por los obispos. No se repetirán ahora. "La permisividad sobre el aborto" se ha ido extendiendo poco a poco en muchas sociedades, y la Iglesia católica se siente ya incapaz de afrontar esa riada, pese al apoyo de las muchas organizaciones que la respaldan en el combate.

Lo reconoció Martínez Camino cuando se le recordó ayer que, en cambio, sí habían salido a la calle, liderados por el cardenal de Madrid, Antonio María Rouco, para protestar contra el reconocimiento legal del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. Si esta legalización fue "lo más grave" que le ha ocurrido a la Iglesia católica en dos mil años, lo del aborto "es uno de los dramas mayores del siglo XX", insiste el portavoz episcopal.

"Ninguna circunstancia, por dramática que sea, puede justificar el aborto provocado. No se soluciona una situación difícil con la comisión de un crimen. Hemos de reaccionar frente a la propaganda que nos presenta el aborto como una intervención quirúrgica o farmacológica más, higiénica y segura; o como una mera interrupción de un embarazo no deseado, cuya ejecución legal constituiría una conquista de libertad que permitiría el ejercicio de un supuesto derecho a la autodeterminación por parte de la mujer. Estas falsas argumentaciones nunca podrán ocultar la cruda realidad del aborto procurado, que constituye siempre un detestable acto de violencia que elimina la vida de un ser humano", recuerdan los obispos.

la prendries dilluns o divendres?

¿Una pastilla para olvidar?

Investigadores holandeses sugieren que un medicamento para la hipertensión puede borrar los malos recuerdos

Anna Solana | 20/02/2009 | Actualizada a las 01:07h | Gente y TV

Ya se ha estudiado y publicado. Varias veces. Con el mismo impacto en los titulares y las mismas preguntas éticas. En el 2005, científicos de la Universidad de Cornell (Nueva York) aseguraron que el uso de un medicamento betabloqueante para tratar la hipertensión, llamado propranolol, podía borrar los malos recuerdos en casos de estrés postraumático.

En julio del 2007, LiveScience se hacía eco de la misma noticia, pero con un estudio llevado a cabo en las universidades de Harvard i McGill (Montreal).

Los resultados de los experimentos de Cornell se publicaron en Nature y levantaron ampollas éticas en varios sectores por las implicaciones que tiene manipular la materia que conforma la identidad de la persona.

Estos días, la misma revista publica otro estudio más con el mismo fármaco, esta vez realizado por unos investigadores holandeses que se muestran más cautos y sólo afirman que los resultados obtenidos son importantes para "la comprensión de los recuerdos persistentes en individuos con problemas emocionales".

De ahí a utilizar el medicamento para tratar los desórdenes de estrés postraumático, todavía hay un trecho, aclara el Dr. Merel Kindt, líder del proyecto de investigación. De hecho, el científico explica que lo que consigue el propranolol es mitigar la intensidad emocional de ciertos recuerdos que provocan miedo, pero no borrarlos.

Para llegar a tal conclusión, el equipo de Kindt creó artificialmente un recuerdo aterrador, asociando imágenes de arañas con una suave descarga eléctrica en las muñecas de los 60 voluntarios que participaron en el experimento. Un día después, una parte de los participantes tomó el propranolol y la otra un placebo, antes de que les mostraran de nuevo las imágenes. Por supuesto, los que ingirieron la droga mostraron menos temor que los demás.

Pero, según afirma el profesor Neil Burgess, del Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva, en la BBC, esto sólo demuestra que los betabloqueantes reducen la respuesta de sobresalto que puede mostrar una persona ante una amenaza. Tal vez porque el efecto del medicamento es precisamente bajar la presión, reducir el ritmo cardíaco y aliviar el temblor de las manos.

En el portal de psiquiatría Psychcentral insisten en que el propranolol no bloquea las malas experiencias sino "un temor asociado a una imagen creado artificialmente". No hay más, dicen. De momento, los recuerdos sólo se borran en las páginas de las novelas o en el cine. Memento.

Quan les vaques sagrades suposen el 50% del contraban

A Great Divide

A soldier belonging to India's Border Security Force stands guard at the fence, scanning the Bangladeshi side for trouble
On full alert: A soldier belonging to India's Border Security Force stands guard at the fence, scanning the Bangladeshi side for trouble
Photograph for TIME by Prashant Panjiar / Livewire Images

The village of Panidhar is a cluster of 18 mud, brick and bamboo houses in a poor, wet corner of eastern India. Its problems will sound familiar to anyone who has traveled through the country's thick rural darkness. Panidhar's 195 residents live on rice and fish from the surrounding paddy fields and ponds; lucky children get vegetables and lentils, too, but few go to school. The brick factory across the Ichamati River sends boats to fetch a few of the young men; the rest have left for cities many miles away.

An accident of geography turns these ordinary lives into one of India's most surreal dramas. The border between India and Bangladesh, drawn in haste just before India's independence in 1947, snakes through Panidhar. It runs right in front of the modest, thatched-roof home of Fazlur Rehman, 50, the village's unofficial headman. His younger brother lives next door — in another country. "His child, my child are the same," Rehman says. But in Panidhar, the children violate international law every time they run around the small patch of mango and betel-nut trees. A few hundred meters away, Indian and Bangladeshi border guards patrol on each side.

Neither the children nor their parents can ignore the reality of the border — it's rushing up to meet them. Panidhar sits near Pillar No. 1, where the land border between the two countries begins. For the past 60 years, those markers were the only sign that there were two nations encompassed in this one village. But there is a new one nearby, made of steel, concrete and barbed wire. Like the U.S., Israel and other countries, India is constructing a massive frontier fence, hoping that it will act as a bulwark against what the government in New Delhi perceives to be problems and threats on the other side. When finished, the Indian fence along the 2,500-mile (4,100 km) border with its eastern neighbor will all but encircle Bangladesh.

India once welcomed refugees from Bangladesh. An estimated 4 million of them settled in India after the 1971 war that created its new neighbor. But their numbers have swelled to at least 10 million and a backlash has started. The fence, now two-thirds complete, was begun in earnest three years ago as a way to stop illegal migration and terrorist groups operating in the border areas. The siege of Mumbai — the most dramatic of more than a dozen deadly attacks on Indian cities in the past year — has turned the fence into a political imperative; it is presented as, literally, a concrete solution to India's border problems.

It isn't. "These are reflexive mechanisms of state," says Major General Dipankar Banerjee, director of the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies in New Delhi. "It's not a source of strength." From terrorism to rural development to its troubled relationships with its neighbors, almost every challenge that India faces is played out in some way along the border. But instead of resolving them, it only throws them into relief. "Fencing can't stop anything," says Adilur Khan, head of a Bangladeshi human-rights group called Odhikar. "It's kind of building the Berlin Wall again."

Regulating the Flow
India's northeastern state of Assam shares only a short border with Bangladesh, but the sentiment there against Bangladeshi migration is more intense than anywhere else in India. Bengali-speaking Muslims, both Indian and Bangladeshi, were once brought in to work as seasonal labor, and they now account for more than 30% of the state's population. Their numbers have made them a significant political force and have generated a frustration that will sound familiar to any country dealing with a large influx of migrants from a poorer country. "They take all the jobs," says Shibshankar Chatterjee, a journalist who is writing a book on migration in the northeast. "They are very cheap labor."

Issuing temporary work permits is a nonstarter in Assam, where the growing population of Bengali-speaking Muslims — the euphemism for which is "demographic shift" — is seen as both a political and an economic threat to the ethnic Assamese majority, who are mostly Hindu. "There is a very substantial geographic belt in which the Assamese are rapidly becoming a minority," says V.R. Raghavan, an adviser at the Delhi Policy Group. "They want to retain their dominant position."

The result is a toxic mix of immigrant backlash, Islamophobia and militant separatism, says Uddipana Goswami, a social scientist at Jawaharlal Nehru University who has written extensively about the northeast. Ethnic Assamese political parties and separatist groups like the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) have all taken up the anti-immigrant cause, as have other non-Muslim minorities. A series of bomb attacks in the state capital Guwahati on Oct. 30, 2008, killed more than 60 people, and local police say that militants agitating for an ethnic Bodo homeland, who have clashed violently with local Muslims, are to blame. In this environment, no one bothers to differentiate between the earlier, legal migrants from Bangladesh and newcomers. Says Goswami: "In Assam, if you're wearing a lungi or a beard, people say you're from Bangladesh."

dijous, 19 de febrer del 2009

Marxa ben lluny Berlusconi (video de Roberto Benigni)

Clicar el titol

com al Ikea, pero amb la salut....

For Uninsured Young Adults, Do-It-Yourself Health Care

Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times

Alanna Boyd, 28, received bills totaling $17,398 after being treated for diverticulitis at a Manhattan hospital in October. Ms. Boyd is one of the nation's 13.2 million uninsured young adults.

Published: February 17, 2009

They borrow leftover prescription drugs from friends, attempt to self-diagnose ailments online, stretch their diabetes and asthma medicines for as long as possible and set their own broken bones. When emergencies strike, they rarely can afford the bills that follow.

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James Estrin/The New York Times

Santiago Betancour, 19, outside the Community Healthcare Network’s mobile unit, which offers free medical consultations. He said he has started avoiding fast food in an effort to stay healthy.

Readers' Comments

"The time has come for health care to be a right and not a privilege, or in my case, an onerous burden."
Adam L., Albany, NY

“My first reaction was to start laughing — I just kept saying, ‘No way, no way,’ ” Alanna Boyd, a 28-year-old receptionist, recalled of the $17,398 — including $13 for the use of a television — that she was charged after spending 46 hours in October at Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan with diverticulitis, a digestive illness. “I could have gone to a major university for a year. Instead, I went to the hospital for two days.”

In the parlance of the health care industry, Ms. Boyd, whose case remains unresolved, is among the “young invincibles” — people in their 20s who shun insurance either because their age makes them feel invulnerable or because expensive policies are out of reach. Young adults are the nation’s largest group of uninsured — there were 13.2 million of them nationally in 2007, or 29 percent, according to the latest figures from the Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit research group in New York.

Gov. David A. Paterson of New York has proposed allowing parents to claim these young adults as dependents for insurance purposes up to age 29, as more than two dozen other states have done in the past decade. Community Catalyst, a Boston-based health care consumer advocacy group, released a report this month urging states to ease eligibility requirements to allow adult children access to their parents’ coverage.

“There’s a big sense of urgency,” said Susan Sherry, the deputy director of Community Catalyst. She described uninsured young adults as especially vulnerable. “People are losing their jobs, and a lot of jobs don’t carry health insurance. They’re new to the work force, they’ve been covered under their parents or school plans, and then they drop off the cliff.”

If Governor Paterson’s proposal is approved, an estimated 80,000 of the 775,000 uninsured young adults across New York State would be covered under their parents’ insurance plans. That would leave hundreds of thousands to continue relying on a scattershot network of improvised and often haphazard health care remedies.

In dozens of interviews around the city, these so-called young invincibles described the challenge of living in a high-priced city on low-paying jobs, where staying healthy is one part scavenger hunt and one part balancing act, with high stakes and no safety net.

“For a lot of people, it’s a choice between being able to survive in New York and getting health insurance,” said Hogan Gorman, an actress who was hit by a car five years ago and chronicled her misadventures in “Hot Cripple,” a one-woman show that was a hit at last summer’s Fringe Festival. “There was no way that I could pay my rent, buy insurance and eat.”

Nicole Polec, a 28-year-old freelance photographer living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, said she has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and has a client who procures Ritalin on her behalf from a sympathetic doctor who has seen Ms. Polec’s diagnosis. Ms. Polec’s roommate, Fara D’Aguiar, 26, treated her last flu with castoff amoxicillin — “probably expired,” she said — given to her by a friend.

When Robert Voris last had health insurance, in 2007, he stockpiled insulin pumps, which are inserted under the skin to constantly monitor blood-sugar levels and administer the drug accordingly. He said the tubing for the pump costs $900 a month, so lately he has instead been injecting insulin with a syringe. But Mr. Voris, 27, a journalism student at the City University of New York who works at a restaurant in Park Slope, Brooklyn, is constantly worried about diabetes-induced seizures like the one that sent him to the hospital last summer. (Because it happened at work, his boss covered the ambulance and other bills.)

“That’s definitely the concern: what happens if I have to pay for this?” he said. “And the answer, I guess, is credit cards. Hopefully it won’t happen until I find a job that actually gives me insurance, which probably won’t happen anytime in the near future, given the way the economy works.”

Most family insurance policies cut off dependents when they turn 19 or finish college, and many young adults start out in New York cobbling together part-time or freelance work with no benefits. To qualify for Medicaid, a single adult can earn no more than $706 a month — less than what a full-time minimum-wage earner makes. Yet the average insurance premium for a single adult is $900 a month, according to a spokesman for the State Insurance Department.

“At this point, I can’t really justify it monetarily,” said Ian McElroy, a musician who moved to Bushwick, Brooklyn, from Omaha, last year. “It’s not like I think I’m invincible, I’m 29, the world can’t touch me. It’s the very opposite of that. I’ve got to make rent and eat.”

With insurance out of reach, Mr. McElroy has taken to playing doctor, using online resources like WebMD, which offers medical news, descriptions of various diseases and drugs, and discussion groups. As he spoke, Mr. McElroy was icing his feet, which, one day in January, had become cripplingly painful; he was unable to walk.

“I think I have plantar fasciitis,” he said. “I’ve been laid out for two weeks.”

(Even if the Paterson proposal passes, Mr. McElroy, like Mr. Voris and Ms. Polec and her roommate, would not qualify because their parents live out of state.)

Internet diagnoses, self-medicating and trading prescriptions, of course, come with potentially dangerous side effects. Dr. Barbie Gatton, who has worked in emergency rooms throughout the city since 2002, said she often sees young people who have taken the wrong antibiotics borrowed from friends.

“We see people with urinary tract infections taking meds better suited for ear infections or pneumonia — the problem is, they haven’t really treated their illness, and they’re breeding resistance,” she explained. “Or they take pain medicine that masks the symptoms. And this allows the underlying problem to get worse and worse.”

There are clinics throughout the city that provide the young and uninsured free or cheap snippets of medical help, like the Community Healthcare Network mobile unit, which was parked in the East Village one snowy night. Lindsay Bellinger, 26, who does administrative work through a temp agency and lives in Astoria, Queens, said she relied on the mobile unit for pap smears and tests for sexually transmitted diseases.

“This takes care of gynecological work,” Ms. Bellinger said. “And I get a visit to the dentist from my parents as a Christmas gift.”

Levon Aaron, who has asthma and works as a bouncer at a West Village bar, has not had insurance since he was 19. Mr. Aaron, now 23, said that his asthma attacks had been less frequent since he began playing handball and working out, but they had not gone away. He tries to use his inhalers sparingly, but four times in the past year he has found himself out of medicine during a severe attack and landed in the emergency room.

In the hospital, he gets a prescription for a new inhaler, which costs about $30 to fill. But his outstanding bills total about $3,000, he said, an amount he cannot fathom paying.

Mr. Aaron was one of several young adults who said living without insurance meant trying to take better care of themselves.

“I’ve stopped eating fast food,” said Santiago Betancour, who is 19 and lives in Rosedale, Queens. “I’m eating rice, vegetables and fruits. And when I get sick, I exercise to sweat it off.”

Of course, there are those who do feel invincible, like Eric Williams, who is 24, unemployed and currently in the middle of a six-week snowboarding adventure in Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Utah, British Columbia and California. Mr. Williams said by cellphone near Bozeman, Mont., that he looked into buying health insurance before he left, but abandoned the idea after being unable to find anything for less than $400 a month. Instead, he is just trying to be careful, though not always with success.

“I’ve hit a couple of trees,” Mr. Williams said. “But I’m trying not to.”

More Articles in New York Region » A version of this article appeared in print on February 18, 2009, on page A1 of the New York edition.

dimarts, 17 de febrer del 2009

anomenant-se Christian- Perez qui s'ha de pensar qye es un Jihaddiista

finalment a El Periódico


Detinguts a Granada un militar espanyol i la seva nòvia per difondre a internet vídeos amb contingut gihadista

  1. Els arrestats feien una crida a la comissió d'atemptats a Espanya

La Policia Nacional ha detingut aquest matí a Granada un home de nacionalitat espanyola, membre de l'Exèrcit, i una dona russa per l'edició i la difusió a través d'internet de vídeos de contingut gihadista en què feien crides a la comissió d'atemptats a Espanya.

Segons ha informat la policia en un comunicat, els detinguts són Christian Peso Ruiz Coello, de 23 anys i nascut a Granada, i Maria Choubina, també de 23 anys i nascuda a Leningrad (Rússia), parella sentimental i practicants de l'islam. Agents de la Policia Nacional estan escorcollant els seus domicilis.

Les investigacions que han donat lloc a l'operació Nassarita es remunten al juny del 2008, quan es van detectar diversos vídeos a internet en què s'exaltava la figura del mujahidí i es feia una crida explícita a la comissió d'atemptats a Espanya, i més concretament a la ciutat de Granada.

Segons explica la nota, els autors dels vídeos s'havien dotat d'identitats fictícies i la seva activitat era tan prolífica que havien editat i havien penjat 11 vídeos en un portal d'internet, que havien estat vistos 2.007 vegades. A més a més, havien visionat més de 2.400 vídeos de contingut radical i havien mantingut contacte amb més de 200 internautes afins als postulats del Gihad Internacional de diferents països d'Europa i el Pròxim Orient.

Elements d'odi

Segons les investigacions policials, els detinguts pretenien difondre a internet missatges per provocar al món musulmà un estat d'ànim favorable a la comissió d'atemptats terroristes a Espanya, barrejant crides nostàlgiques a l'alliberament d'Al-Andalus i l'exaltació de la figura del terrorista, amb elements actuals d'odi i ofensa als musulmans, per incrementar l'amenaça a Espanya per part de grups i elements terroristes vinculats al Gihad Global.

Les investigacions han estat desenvolupades per la Comissaria General d'Informació en col·laboració amb la Brigada Provincial d'Informació de Granada, sota la supervisió del Jutjat Central d'Instrucció número 5 de l'Audiència Nacional.

Wostia!!! de la CNN, ni El País, ni La Vanguardia, ni El Mundo en diuen res...

February 17, 2009 -- Updated 1223 GMT (2023 HKT)

Spanish soldier arrested over 'jihad' videos

  • Story Highlights
  • Spanish soldier, Russian girlfriend held for allegedly promoting Islamic extremism
  • Suspects, 23, were arrested in southern Spanish city of Granada
  • Videos posted on Web allegedly aimed to inspire extremist attacks
  • Next Article in World »
By Al Goodman
CNN Madrid Bureau Chief
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MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- Spanish police Tuesday arrested a Spanish soldier and his Russian girlfriend for allegedly posting videos on the Internet promoting Islamic extremist views and calling for attacks in Spain, a Ministry of Interior statement said.

Spanish police released these images of Christian Peso Ruiz Coello, left, and Maria Choubina.

Spanish police released these images of Christian Peso Ruiz Coello, left, and Maria Choubina.

The suspects, both 23 years old and practicing Muslims, were arrested in the southern Spanish city of Granada. They were identified as Christian Peso Ruiz Coello, born in Granada, and Maria Choubina, born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) in 1985.

The investigation began last June when police detected videos on the Internet that called for Islamic attacks in Spain, and specifically in Granada, the last outpost of the Muslim Moors in medieval Spain, with its fabled Alhambra palace that still stands.

The suspects posted 11 radical videos seen 2,007 times on the Internet and had online contact with 200 people in Europe and the Middle East who were favorable to a so-called "international jihad," the ministry said.

Their videos allegedly aimed to inspire Islamic extremists to carry out attacks, using messages such as a call to liberate "Al Andalus," the vast portion of Spain under Muslim rule for centuries during the Middle Ages until the Catholic monarchs conquered the last bastion of Granada, in 1492.

The videos also allegedly portrayed offenses against Muslims who live in modern Spain, including many in Granada.

"This activity aimed to increase the threat in our country by terrorist groups and elements linked to the 'global jihad,'" the ministry statement said.

Police searched the homes of the suspects, in the operation supervised by Spain's anti-terrorism National Court in Madrid.

a veure qui aprova... de la BBC

Do you know your biblical references?

crisi i canvi d'habits

Is the Recession Turning Americans into Teetotaling Vegetarians?

Not likely. As Parisians take to urban gleaning to supplement their grocery budgets, eating habits in the US have also been changing dramatically as this bout of economic hard times seems to take its toll on culinary normality. According to the Wall Street Journal, American consumers have cut back on food spending by the largest margin since the government's been keeping track of it: 3.7%. So, what are we cutting back on?

Continue reading Is the Recession Turning Americans into Teetotaling Vegetarians?

Luis Herrero fà les ameriques (de Cesar Hildebrant)

domingo 15 de febrero de 2009

Eurodiputado arrojado

El eurodiputado derechista Luis Herrero pertenece a las filas del Partido Popular, el partido que, con José María Aznar a la cabeza, sirvió a la causa de Bush con la oral diligencia de una pupila de casa de tolerancia.
Veamos. Luis Herrero es del PP. El PP, con distinto nombre y las mismas almitas sombreadas, nació del huevo derecho de Francisco Franco y a la sombra de esos cipreses alargados que tanto le gustaban a Miguel Delibes cuando no se podía hablar en España de otra cosa.
En fin, que era 1947 y si te atrevías a hablar de un gallego matador te apretaban con el garrote vil de toda la vida. Así que hablabas de los cipreses alargados y encima te daban el premio Nadal.
Pero volviendo a lo nuestro. Si el PP nació del huevo derecho y empotrado de Francisco Franco y adquirió el alias de Alianza Popular y el liderazgo trémulo (pero firme) de Fraga Iribarne y el talento para el silencio y el acomodo de más de tres décadas de dictadura, digamos que, años más tarde, treparía a su propia cumbre de la infamia con el hombre que jamás será superado: José María Aznar, el que servía el té y los bocaditos en las Azores cuando Bush y Blair necesitaron de un payaso con vistas al Mediterráneo para decir que la guerra en Irak “tenía consentimiento de la comunidad internacional”.
La derecha franquista había sido, honrando a los visigodos, bastante dada a matar, y, honrando a Santiago Apóstol, muy inclinada a rezar (acciones que podía practicar casi simultáneamente). Pero la aspereza de su lucha (con la ayuda de Hitler) y el aislamiento de la posguerra le dieron como que cierta capacidad de resistir en soledad y, por eso, un fuerte sentido nacional.
Aznar, en cambio, parecía haber nacido en Ferrol -la base estadounidense en tierra española donde se aprovisiona la VI Flota- y, si no hubiese sido tan bruto, habría hablado el inglés como una azafata de British Airways.
Lo que quiero decir es que Aznar era tan pobre diablo que impuso en el PP la obligación de comentar los partidos de la NBA y lo que no sabía es que, cuando Bush lo llamaba, había un servidor de la Casa Blanca tapando la bocina para que las risotadas del texano no se escucharan cada vez que José María intentaba decir más de dos palabras en el idioma que Nabokov le imputó a Lolita.
No necesitó Aznar sino decir “yes, sir”, cual infante de marina de película B, para salir en la foto de las Azores, donde parecía un Chaplin cruzado con Camarón de la Isla. Y fue en ese momento cuando la derecha española se depositó como un expósito a las puertas de la Casa Blanca.
Con una mezcla de ternura y aprehensión higiénica, Laurita Bush cogió al niñito Aznar y lo metió en la guardería donde chillaban los otros adoptados: el niñito Uribe, el niño Sánchez de Losada, el muy remoto todavía niñito García y Er Niño de La Capea pa’ las tardes íntimas del aburrimiento.
Entre el huevo de Franco y el huevón de Aznar está el capítulo en el que España renuncia a todas sus grandezas, contrae todas las pequeñeces que exige la subordinación y exhibe su nueva condición de amante de quien pague con un orgullo inexplicable.
Si lo del 1898 fue una desgracia involuntaria, el cese de España como soberanía fue una inmolación colectiva pensada y repensada (y cuyo marco ya no puede cambiar el PSOE que vendió la economía española en el prolongado remate del gonzalismo corrompido).
Pues bien, si el PP fue el cigoto franquista y Aznar la neoplasia de la Little Havana, el diputado Luis Herrero es, para decirlo con la mayor precisión científica, una brizna de la caspa finísima de Fraga.
Y que este Luis Herrero vaya a Venezuela a dictar cátedra de democracia y a dar lecciones de coraje cívico, es un chiste de Gila resucitado por mi entrañable ABC.
¿Luis Herrero dando clases de democracia? ¿Por qué no le cuenta a los venezolanos qué hacían sus ancestros doctrinarios cuando pasaban por las armas a los sospechosos de no ser fascistas en el Madrid infestado de Falange?
¿Y por qué no recuerda cuán cosidas estuvieron las bocas de sus abuelos y las de sus padres cuando contrariar al poder se penaba en España? ¿De cuántos miedos con enuresis diurna es hijo este “valiente” Herrero?
En resumen, ¿qué autoridad moral tienen estos diputaditos salidos del franquismo ileso que Rajoy representa, para llegar en plan virreinal a Venezuela y dar consejos libertarios?
El único que sale ganando de todo esto es Hugo Chávez. Y si Herrero no fuera el falangista confeso que es, podría hasta imaginármelo como un chavista encubierto.
Chávez es una espantosa imitación de Fidel Castro (que fue una brillante imitación de Stalin). Chávez es Fidel pero en crudo ( y en crudo del Orinoco) y cree que podrá perpetuarse porque se siente el Bolívar de los billetes. Y aunque gane el referéndum de hoy, tiene cuesta arriba repetir el plato en las próximas elecciones (sobre todo si el precio del petróleo le sigue horadando la chequera).
Pero si Chávez es un extra en este Otoño del Patriarca que no termina de escribirse en América Latina, el tal Herrero es un indeseable bien devuelto a sus tierras. Ya tenemos suficiente con la chulería de Telefónica para que a estas colonias que fueron vengan los herreros con sus cuchillos de palo. Que se vayan a hacer puñetas.